Free humor smileys to use in email messages, forums, blogs or websites.
There are times when we are naturally humorous and more often than frequent humor is born out of unexpected circumstances. Whether you wish to blend in satire, sarcasm, anger or frustration, you would find the humor smileys essentially helpful. You can send a friendly gag, irritate a coworker, run a steamroller over that nagging friend or the heartless boss and all the while you do it, you would have a smile on your face and make others smile who you share the humor smiley faces with. There are hundreds of different instances, thoughts and animations to give form to your humorous desire.
Step 1: Browse thousand of free smileys by selecting categories. - Step 2: Pick smiley you like, then click Copy To Clipboard button. - Step 3: Insert cursor to email textbox editor, then press Ctrl-V (or Command-V if you're using Mac) - Make sure you enable WYSIWYG/Rich text format editor.